An Engineered Solution with a view
It’s been a season for change in the glass industry.
On the first of May 2023 the latest National Construction Code (NCC) was formally adopted, which meant the latest AS1288:2021 is now in full effect.
All building plans stamps after May 1 2023 must now comply with AS1288:2021.
So what does that all mean for glaziers?
Well the 2 main areas that changed were overhead glazing and balustrading.
For skylights the option for toughened glass was almost entirely removed, with the majority of solutions now needing to use heat strengthened laminated glass.

The balustrade part of the code, section 7, received a pretty big overhaul.
Monolithic toughened glass is no longer an option for balustrades over 5m above the ground.
That means all your 3rd floor and even some 2nd floor balconies are going to be a laminated glass.
Spigots or Mini-posts as well as point fixing stand-off bolts are now drawn in section 7 – it’s now been made very clear that these types of balustrade do not have a Deemed to Satisfy Solution, and therefore need to be engineered on a job by job basis.
I can already hear the cries of “What, you mean I can’t just chuck in 12mm with some stand-offs anymore?! But I’ve been doing it for years!”
That may very well be the case, but that fact is these barrier types have always needed engineering!
The only thing that’s changed in that regard, is that it’s now been made quite clear in the code, so now even the most fresh-faced of surveyors know the rules and will be asking for the Engineering documents.
Here at Clearly Frameless we can help.
Calculating glass requirements is something we do every day – and we can usually provide preliminary calculations on glass thickness within a day or two.
The glass featured in these photos, needed to allow for all loadings, with the wind being a big factor at this elevated height. The glass ended up needing to be a mix of 21.52 and 25.52mm VueSafe SGP, with no handrail to ruin that view – and FGS famous EDGE+ finish to cap it all off.
If you want help working out your glass, or you just want the best quality laminated edge in the country, drop us a line and let us make your life easier.
Clearly Frameless
courtesy of Mark Atley at FGS Glass